All Residence Halls Will Close
- Non-Graduating students must move out of their room and return all residence hall keys by 12 p.m. noon on Saturday, May 17, 2025.
- Graduating students must move out of their room and return all residence hall keys by 12 p.m. noon on Monday, May 19, 2025.
All Residence Halls Will Close
Reading Days Quiet Hours
Expanded quiet hours are Wednesday, May 7, 2025 at 12:01 a.m. through Saturday, May 17, 2025 at 8:00 a.m
Dining Hall Service
Last Meal Service
- Non-Graduates – Saturday, May 17, 2025 - Frary Dining Hall - Lunch
- Graduates – Monday, May 19, 2025 - Frary Dining Hall - Breakfast
Students approved for Late Departure or Summer Housing Transition may be impacted by new Dining hours. Please check in with your coordinating advisor or HRL's approval email regarding meal details during this period.
- Be mindful to securely close and not prop all exterior security doors.
- Do not leave personal items (boxes, luggage, etc.) unattended.
- Do not leave your car unattended with the doors unlocked or the trunk open
- Do not allow strangers to enter the residence halls behind you.
- Students will lose access to their residence halls at noon on their closing day.
- Please contact Campus Safety if you have concerns about safety or security.
- Vehicles registered via Campus Safety can be parked in the South Campus Parking Structure over the summer.
- Parking spots on North Amherst (near Sontag Hall) will be utilized for portable storage units starting Friday, May 9, 2025. Please move any vehicles by Thursday, May 8, 2025.
- ASPC 5C Rideshare – Carpooling/Airport runs
- Pomona College will not accept any Late Departure exceptions due to changes in travel plans.
- Students will not be able to wait inside the residence halls past closing for late flights, pick-ups, etc.
Rental Cars
- Zipcar (Pomona College students receive a discount)
- Enterprise and National Car Rental (Pomona College discount code)
Pomona College does not offer storage throughout the summer. Please review the following resources below:
- Campus Storage - Pomona College Student receive 30% off their first month of storage.
- Privately coordinated Portible Storage Units ('Pods')
- SmartBox: All-inclusive deal: $525. Includes delivery, pickup, redelivery and storage for the Summer. Ask for the Student All-Inclusive Deal.
- All units must be registered (find registration, dates, and delivery directions at this Storage Unit Registration Form)
- Approved Drop-Off Sites
- North – 8th Street (& Amherst) parking spots
- South – Kenyon House
- Do not have pods delivered to any other locations.
- Approved Dates
- Earliest Arrival – Friday before finals week.
- Last Departure – All units must be removed by Tuesday after closing.
- Please do not keep your storage container on campus more than 4 days.
- Local Off Campus Storage Resource - TCCS Storage Guide
- Mail and Packages: First Class mail, packages and UPS will be automatically forwarded to your home address. The Mailroom is unable to forward any other delivery companies such as Amazon, Fed Ex, DHL, Etc...
- Going to be a different address this summer: Student that are going to be at a different address from the permanent home address must fill out a Different Address card in the mailroom.
- Graduates: The Mailroom will forward mail until August 1st. Anything received after Aug 1st will be returned to the sender.
Do not place items in the hallways, kitchens, or laundry rooms. If items are found in these locations, the nearest identifiable population will be fined and the items disposed of.
Dumpster locations
- Between Sontag and Dialynas Halls
- Walker Beach
- Kenyon House Parking lot (South of Gibson Hall)
- Behind the baseball field by Haldeman Pool
Clear community spaces (bathrooms, suite common rooms kitchens, fridges, etc.)
- Graduates: Facilities and HRL staff will be inspecting, repairing, and cleaning the halls starting on the Saturday Closing. Please note that shared spaces (hallways, bathrooms, suites, kitchens, etc.) may be cleaned and personal items may be discarded. Rooms with non-graduating residents will be accessed and inspected on the Saturday Closing. Please collect all personal items and place into your room, do not leave personal items in communal spaces unattended.
Return Green Boxes
- Return all Green Boxes to the Dining Halls/drop off sites.
- ReCoop collection locations
- North Campus Site – Walker Beach/Living Room
- South Campus Site – Kenyon House Parking lot (South of Gibson Hall)
- ReCoop Staffed collection hours
- Dates: Wednesday May 14 - Sunday May 18, 2025
- Hours: 1PM - 6PM
- Items will only be accepted during staffed hours. Do not leave items when each site is not staffed. Please be mindful of doorways.
Things ReCoop will Accept
- Books (donate at Book Room)
- Clothes (donate at Free Room)
- Shoes (tape together, donate at Free Room)
- Blankets
- Furniture
- Electronics
- Clothes hangers (tape together)
- Lamps
- Storage/organizers
- Rugs
- Room décor
- School supplies
Things ReCoop doesn’t Accept
- Trash
- Broken items
- Food
- Underwear
- Opened toiletries
- Dining hall dinnerware
- Greenboxes
- Green Bikes
- Return – Green bikes can be returned to the Sustainability Office in the basement of Harwood Court, room 16. If the office is closed, please lock the green bike to the Harwood Court bike racks along Bonita avenue and drop the key off outside the sustainability office. Please email a photo and/or description of the green bike to
- Donate – Students may also donate their bikes to the Green Bike. Program at the South ReCoop Site (location and hours above).
- Abandoned (unlabeled) bikes on bike racks will be cut on the Wednesday after Closing and donated to the Green Bike program. Labels can be requested by emailing
- Storage – Pomona College does not offer bike storage throughout the summer.
Final Check-out and Leaving Campus
Prepare Room
- Fully close all blinds and turn off all lights.
- Close and lock all windows and doors securely.
- Room should be empty, all items left behind will be charged (see below).
Key Return
- Main Campus Locations
- Housing and Residence Life (Smith Campus Center 132)
- Walker Lounge Key Drop Box
- Mudd/Blaisdell RLC Office
- Wig RLC Office
- Key Envelopes – All keys must be submitted using a completed check-out key envelope.
- Do not provide keys to other students or Resident Advisors.
- Financial Charges – Keys not present at HRL within 48 hours of move-out will result in an immediate full lock change and financial charge billed via student accounts. Sontag and Dialynas halls are used for Summer Housing and may be rekeyed as required.
Check that you have the following before leaving your room:
- Medications
- Documents, Passports, travel documents, etc.
- Money, credit cards, etc.
Room Inspections, Cleaning the Halls and Financial Charges
Closing Room Inspections
Housing and Residence Life will inspect all departed rooms on campus to ensure proper check out. All improper check out notes and damages will be collected, documented, and charged via student accounts.
Graduates – rooms with non-graduating students will be inspected throughout the Saturday Closing (May 17, 2025). Please remove all personal items from common spaces (suite common room, bathroom, kitchens, etc.) and know that HRL and facilities will be entering suite spaces for inspections.
Most Common Charges
- Trash – $50 minimum (or hourly rate determined by housekeeping)
- Late Departure – $25 per hour
- Missing Key – $150
Spring Late Departure and Summer Housing Transitions
Late Departure
- Students supporting the campus closing process must be nominated by a campus office to receive a later approved move-out date (“late departure”). Please read more regarding Late Depature nomination process.
Summer Housing
- More information for nominating staff, faculty and students can be found on the Summer Housing Website.